
Showing posts from January, 2023


INTRODUCTION We live in the self and part of what makes up the self is our body. Our body is a living, breathing home that houses the thoughts and feelings that make us who we are as individuals. Now, sometimes as individuals, we find it almost unbearable to live with ourselves and all that comes with it but it does not have to be that way forever and that is why this article is here for you today. Outlined below are a few fundamental steps on how you can live with yourself. Enjoy! MAKING PEACE WITH YOURSELF 1. Forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself for all you have done and all you have failed to do is key to living with yourself. There is no use crying over the past — It is long gone. All there is, is the now, and what you can do in the now is:  Acknowledge your mistakes.  Put aside your pride and accept your mistake.  Disconnect your mistakes from your identity. You are not your mistakes. You are more than that. You are deserving of love and forgiveness no matter the situation. Free y